Hours & Info
Venue & Hours
Fundidora Park
Avenida Fundidora y Adolfo Prieto S/N, Obrera, 64010 Monterrey, N.L., Mexico
For a map, check out the Location page.
Saturday, November 14, 2020
Festival Hours: 2pm–2am
The festival will take place rain or shine. Please keep up-to-date on weather reports, and plan your attire and preparations accordingly.
Zero Tolerance
We have a zero-tolerance policy for drug use and possession. Police officers will be working inside and outside of the event, and all narcotics laws will be strictly enforced. Be responsible, and make smart choices.
Security & Entry
By purchasing a ticket, you agree to submit to a thorough search, including emptying your pockets and bags, having all of your items examined, a full pat-down, and possibly removing your shoes. We reserve the right to refuse entry to anyone.
Ages & ID
You should be 16+ to enter without the company of an adult. You must be 18+ to buy or consume alcohol, or enter the VIP areas. Valid photo ID is required.
- Mexico government IFE card
- Mexican or foreign government-issued passport
- Foreign government-issued driver’s license
- All forms of ID must contain a photograph and date of birth
- NO Mexican driver’s license
- NO school or consular ID
- NO expired ID of any kind
Festival Policies
- NO re-entry/ins & outs per day
- NO refunds or exchanges
- NO sitting on designated dancefloor areas
- NO moshing, crowd-surfing or stage-diving
- NO consuming alcoholic beverages in parking lots or outside the festival entrance
- NO camping
- NO unauthorized solicitations, handbills, sampling, giveaways, etc.
- NO unauthorized/unlicensed vendors
Acceptable Items

- Small bags, single-compartment backpacks, plush backpacks, purses (maximum 12“x12“)
- Official Insomniac water bottles—must be empty upon entry
- Hydration packs with no more than two main compartments and one smaller compartment—must be empty upon entry
- Cell phones and portable chargers/external batteries
- Fanny packs
- Sunglasses & hats
- Lighters and sealed packs of cigarettes
- E-cigs/vapes (refillable liquid chambers OK, must be empty upon arrival)
- Vape juice/e-liquid in small bottles of 60ml max (bottle must be new and sealed)
- Physician-prescribed medication that is not expired (must show physician’s prescription and consult with a safety officer upon entry. Only bring the amount of medication needed for the duration of the festival. Prescription must match ID.)
- Earplugs
- Sealed lip balm & gloss
- Powder makeup
- Sealed tampons
- Glowsticks & glowing/illuminated costumes or jewelry
- Sealed packs of gum
- Hula hoops (including LED hoops)
- Inflatables (must be deflated upon entry)
- Flags/banners or handmade signs (no corporate/company-branded and no hard flagpoles)
- Festival totems or decorated pool noodles (see Totem Guidelines)
- Non-professional flash/still cameras, handheld video devices under 6″ (Sony Action Cam, GoPro, etc.), and GoPro extendable poles or selfie sticks
- Air couches or air chairs—must be deflated upon entry
- Small hand sanitizer—60ml or less
- Belts—simple styles, nothing prominent or dangerous, like spikes
- Contact lens formula (not regular eye drops)—must be new and sealed
- Masks (such as deadmau5 or Marshmello) made with soft materials and small batteries—face must be fully visible upon entry
Prohibited Items
- Illegal substances
- Drugs or drug paraphernalia
- Massagers
- Laser pointers and air horns
- LED gloves or LED microlights used for light shows
- Pacifiers, dust masks or gas masks
- Eye drops (available inside festival at the general store)
- Over-the-counter medication (available inside festival at general store or from a first aid station)
- Liquid makeup
- Deodorant (liquid, paste or aerosol)
- Unsealed tampons (upon entry)
- Open packs of cigarettes (upon entry)
- Glass, cans, cups or coolers
- Outside food or beverages (including alcohol and candy)
- Markers, pens or spray paint
- Large chains or spiked jewelry
- Inflatable, battery-operated costumes
- Weapons of any kind (includes pocket knives, pepper spray, fireworks, etc.)
- Stickers, flyers
- Balls or Frisbees
- Tents, large umbrellas, chairs or blankets
- Bota bags
- Large purses, bags or backpacks (over 12″×12″)
- Stuffed animals or dolls
- Professional photo, video, or audio recording equipment (no detachable lenses, tripods, big zooms or commercial-use rigs)
- Pets
Any object that is deemed dangerous or does not follow the security guidelines will not be admitted. Every person coming into the event will be subject to a pat-down search prior to entering the grounds.
Totem Guidelines

- Maximum height is 3 meters.
- Totems must be made from a lightweight material (e.g., foam, PVC—no solid material).
- Collapsible/telescoping camera extenders that follow the above guidelines are OK (lightweight/hollow aluminum/polycarbonate).
- PVC, light wood or aluminum poles must be no thicker than 2.5 centimeters in diameter.
- Decorated pool noodles work great for easy entry through security.
- Inflatables attached to totems must be deflated upon entry.
- Any item deemed dangerous will not be allowed.
- Totems promoting illegal activity or hate speech will not be permitted. Please keep it PLUR.